Egger and Invicta FC and RIZIN FF alum had for her part posted a 1-1 record through two fights in the promotion. Rizin28からrizin33…


ビートたけしの悪態イジリを 老害と捉える視聴者が増えているようです 有吉弘行と夏目三久の結婚報道に関して えらいすごい幸せにって言わなきゃいけないんだろ. Japanese comedian actor singer author painter and t…

Scott Hall

WWE Scott Hall a hall of fame professional wrestler who performed in the WWE under the ring-name Razor Ramon died Monday at the a…


Psg News End Of Unbeaten Run Will Not Affect Psg Says Matuidi Goal Com Psg Running Paris Saint Germain�������������…